Eating Too Many Calories?


So, this is the next section that I have read of Dr. Weaver’s “Accidentally Overweight”.  Most of us know that we can’t eat tons of calories in a day and stay thin or lose weight.  I love that Dr. Weaver acknowledges that for people like me, “it makes no difference at all and no matter whether they put in maximum effort or zero effort with food or exercise, their bodies remain overweight or in a state of constant expansion.”  She does say that “you cannot eat like a piglet and expect everything to fall into place”.  It gave me so much hope and enabled me to see a light when she writes that she has had numerous clients who have worked their butts off working out and who eat beautifully, but who can’t lose weight.  I am so grateful that she realized in her life’s journey with her clients that there was more to the old adage of weight loss simply being burning more calories in a day than you take in for the day.  Again, I feel like she is talking directly to me, directly about me!  She talks about food being designed to sustain and energize us and be fuel rather than something we do for pleasure.  She talks about overeating and the guilt that comes with overeating and that that guilt itself does more damage on our system than the actual binge we might overeat on!  It is amazing how already in this book it becomes clear how everything is connected!  There is so much to learn that I honestly keep reading it over and over!  I know I keep saying that, but honestly I do!


“Only without emotion would our body shape and size be completely reliant on the calorie equation.”

“Guilt you feel and the harsh self-talk are far worse for you than any takeout or bottle of wine will ever be.  It is what you do every day that has an impact on your health, not what you do sometimes.”


– Eat my dinner on a smaller plate

– Eat two fist sizes of food (protein and carbs) plus a salad

– Chew each mouthful a minimum of 20 times

– Try to eat more regularly so I don’t get so hungry and binge on everything in the kitchen!

– Try to be okay with my splurging once in a while and no negative self-talk.  Tomorrow is a new day!  It is okay to feed the soul once in a while!

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